42. The Principles of TCM. 8. Yin and Yang 1

42. The Principles of TCM. 8. Yin and Yang 1

In Huangdineijing; 黃帝內經, there is a saying: ‘Cure disease, root disease, yin and yang’ (治於陰陽). When treating a disease, you must find the cause of the disease, which means that the root lies in the harmony of yin and yang. Treatment is about finding the cause that caused the symptom-based on regular knowledge (eating habits, lifestyle habits, and mindfulness) and seeking a solution, not suppressing or eliminating the symptom. You should know that taking painkillers for symptoms such as menstrual cramps, colds, headaches, back pain, and various joint pains is only a temporary symptomatic treatment that suppresses the symptoms in unavoidable cases.


Pain is felt as it is transmitted to the brain through nerves, and the general name for drugs that block or weaken this process is called painkillers. In the case of Tylenol, it inhibits the production of prostaglandins by inhibiting an enzyme called prostaglandin synthase, thereby reducing pain. Therefore, painkillers are not treatments that eliminate the cause of pain. Rather, when used for a long period, the alarm system that notifies the human body of problems is ignored, resulting in greater damage. As the pain effect time passes, the threshold value is lowered, resulting in more severe pain. In addition, it is a well-known fact that habitual users suffer from numerous side effects, including gastrointestinal bleeding, renal failure, liver function damage, myocardial infarction, and high blood pressure. If you ignore the cause and simply take drugs such as painkillers or tranquilizers to suppress pain just because it is convenient, it may feel effective at first, but as the number of times you use it increases, the side effects become more serious.

There are reports that while approximately 25% of soldiers being evacuated from fierce battles require painkillers, more than 80% of surgical patients in general hospitals require painkillers. Soldiers being evacuated from battle are relieved of the pain that they will not be sent into battle for the time being. That’s why I always talk about it. If the pain is not severe enough to kill you, instead of painkillers, try taking deep breaths, drinking warm water, or sleeping after a small meal… In most cases, not extreme cases, if you just do this, your body will begin treatment on its own.

In Oriental medicine, yin and yang view the human body as the universe and refer to the most basic order and rules that can keep the human body healthy. Since ancient times, it has been said that if you properly know yin and yang, you can practice medicine (taking care of patients). Properly understanding and controlling yin and yang is considered the most basic and best way to treat the causes of all diseases.

Dr. Jin-man Kim, director of Peace Oriental Clinic