I can heal myself. 26. George McGovern Report

I can heal myself. 26. George McGovern Report

In 1977, the United States invested a huge amount of money to establish the ‘Special Committee on Nutrition’ and announced the results of a two-year investigation, which became the famous McGovern Report. The preface begins with, “Humanity will perish if we do not change our current dietary culture,” and states that white flour should be replaced with whole wheat and white rice with brown rice. In particular, white sugar, white salt, white chemical seasoning, white flour, and white rice were warned as foods that humanity should avoid.


The phosphoric acid in cola absorbs calcium phosphate in the body and excretes it, so when you drink cola, calcium is lost. In addition to not eating instant or fast food, it includes the following:

The majority of domestic violence is caused by incorrect food.
The harm caused by food additives starts from young children.
Adult diseases cannot be cured with medicine or surgery.
90% of cancers are caused by chemical substances in the diet.
As the proportion of animal fat increases, the risk of heart disease increases.
The era of treating diabetes, high blood pressure, etc. through diet has arrived.
Obese people are prone to disease and have a shortened lifespan.
Cure your illness with food.

The lifestyle diseases mentioned above, such as cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, low blood pressure, hyperlipidemia, arteriosclerosis, angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, stroke, stiff shoulders, back pain, menstrual pain, and menstrual irregularity, are food-borne diseases that are mainly caused by incorrect diet. I think the importance of a brown rice vegetarian diet cannot be overemphasized.

Dr. Jin-man Kim, director of Peace Oriental Clinic