I can heal myself. 32. The four cardinal Humaneness, justice, propriety and wisdom

I can heal myself. 32. The four cardinal Humaneness, justice, propriety and wisdom

“I looked up to the sky and prayed that I would not have a single bit of shame. I was in pain even when the wind blew through the leaves,” is Korea poet Yun Dong-ju’s prologue.

The nature of man given by heaven is good. However, a person cannot become a person only by the nature given to him by heaven. So the sky once again breathes energy into people and gives them form. In this way, a person becomes a human being after receiving his nature and form from heaven.

Benevolence, wisdom, and wisdom are the good nature that people have from birth.

Benevolence (仁) is expressed as compassion (惻隱之心). It is a feeling of pity, pain, and empathy when you see a person in trouble, and this is the biggest concept that includes all the rest of the wisdom of medicine.

Righteousness is a shameful mind, a shameful mind. Being ashamed is something I feel because I did something wrong, and also a sense of justice that I should be like this.

Courtesy is a willingness to consider others first and make concessions. It refers to a heart that humbly observes etiquette and makes concessions.

Wisdom is a mind that knows right and wrong and knows how to distinguish between right and wrong. It is the ability to distinguish whether one’s heart is honorable or one’s greed in light of one’s nature, that is, benevolence, courtesy, and courtesy.


Because people have a physical body, they develop greed and greed. Greed is an obsession with things they like, including instinctive desires, and anger is anger or hatred toward things they do not like. (痴) refers to the loss of the ability to judge right and wrong due to one’s nature being clouded by greed and jinn.

Modern society, dominated by material things, is naturally structured with a social structure that promotes greed. Due to the constant pursuit and competition of desires and the priority placed on material things over people, it is easy for the body and mind to become exhausted, and all kinds of diseases increase day by day.

If you are too obsessed with thoughts, emotions (joys, sorrows, sorrows), and the five senses, you have no choice but to stay in the world of exploration. However, if we can stay in the world of benevolence, wisdom, and wisdom, which is the nature within us, that is, at least once or three times a day, with deep and slow breathing, we can reflect on our hearts and actions in the light of our good nature, our conscience, that is, benevolence, wisdom, and look up to heaven. If you don’t have any shame, you will always be at ease in your mind, and you will become honest, clean, and merciful. I think that doing so is the way to not only relieve stress, which is the root of all diseases but also keep your soul in the best condition.

Dr. Jin-man Kim, director of Peace Oriental Clinic