I can heal myself. 33. Healthy Life Years (HLY)

I can heal myself. 33. Healthy Life Years (HLY)

A healthy lifespan is not simply a long life, but a period of healthy living without suffering from disease. As life expectancy increases, the period of life suffering from disease also increases, and the difference between life expectancy and healthy life expectancy is more than 10 years. This means that approximately 10 years of old age are spent with a significantly reduced quality of life.

In Oriental medicine, purifying the blood is considered the basis for managing all diseases. Proper diet and exercise are important to purify the blood, but negative stress is something that should not be overlooked. When our body is stressed, it secretes a hormone called adrenaline, which promotes arteriosclerosis and the formation of blood clots. In other words, if you think too much or are uncomfortable, your blood gets tangled very easily.


In fact, life expectancy is a relative standard rather than an absolute standard. Individually felt quality of life and satisfaction with life are more important than absolute standards such as living to 80 or 90, so living a healthy life and returning home is the key. The problem is that while I am alive and breathing, I have to take care of my body and keep my soul in the best condition. No one would want to end their life without any possibility of recovery for months or years, unable to move or even swallow food, relying on various drugs and IVs. Doing moderate exercise, eating right, and maintaining a peaceful mind without hesitation based on conscience will be the shortcuts to helping me finish my body well.

Dr. Jin-man Kim, director of Peace Oriental Clinic