I can heal myself. 28. Keep in good health by tranquilized mind

I can heal myself. 28. Keep in good health by tranquilized mind

In Korea’s Joseon Dynasty, Toegye’s book, The Three Ways of Life, states that you must control your mind well to avoid illness. It is said that when the mind moves here and there, the mind becomes busy, and when the mind is busy, the energy is scattered, and when the energy is scattered, illness occurs, so he emphasized taking care of your health by controlling the mind.
In Oriental medicine, the principles of health emphasize clean air, clean water, and a mind without greed. During the Southern Dynasty period in China (around A.D. 500), Tao Hongqing (陶弘景) wrote the following health care principles in a book called Healthy Life History (养性延命录). Presents Hun.

12So (少)’s health training
少思少念 – Don’t get caught up in your thoughts or distracting thoughts.
少慾少事 – Don’t get caught up in desires or work.
少語少笑 – Don’t get caught up in words or laughter.
少愁少樂 – Do not fall into worry or pleasure.
少喜少怒 – Control your joy and anger.
少好少惡 – Don’t be obsessed with good or bad.

Develop your mind before living, which means cultivating your mind before taking care of your physical health. Stress is said to be the root of all diseases. In fact, when you are stressed, you secrete a hormone called cortisol, which suppresses stress. When cortisol increases, it reduces white blood cells and weakens immune function, causing various diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer, and abdominal obesity. In my case, it seems that negative stress occurs the moment I feel selfish. I would like to emphasize that letting go of even a little bit of selfishness, giving to others, and forgetting the fact that you gave is a very important way to cultivate your mind.

Dr. Jin-man Kim, director of Peace Oriental Clinic